Using our lovely reusable paper towels
I promise, it’s incredibly simple.
- First, make a mess.
- Then, grab a sheet of reusable paper towel from your roll or pile and mop up the mess.
- Rince and repeat!
These eco-friendly alternatives to disposable paper towels work exactly like classic scott towels, except they look amazing and can be washed and reused ad vitam eternam.
Storing our unpaper towels
There are two ways to do this:
OPTION 1. Roll up your sheets of reusable paper towels nicely around a paper towel stand! It’s quite simple: the sheets stick to one another so you don’t need to fasten any annoying snap closures and they’re easy to grab when you need them to mop up a spill! As you can see in this short video, I use a cardboard roll as starting base to make the operation easier… But it’s quick and simple to do!
OPTION 2: fold the sheets in 4 and stack them somewhere that they’re easy to grab and use. Top of kitchen counter = top of mind!
Caring for our reusable paper towels
The great thing about organic cotton flannel is that it’s easy to care for:
- Throw the paper towels in with the rest of your laundry - unless they are dripping with chunks of tomato sauce - in which case you might want to rinse them off quickly before.
- Wash them in your washing machine in lukewarm water
- Hang to dry.
That’s it! Re-use and re-wash as desired.
Purchasing the perfect quantity
I find this ecoswap rather addictive because the reusable paper towels work so well! So I like to have plenty on hand. But if you’re just starting out, a set of 3 or 6 is probably a good start to get to know and love the washable kitchen towels. If you’d like to make a roll out of your reusable paper towels, then I would recommend opting for at least a set of 12! A roll can easily fit up to 24 sheets, and you can mix and match our various styles!
Still have questions?
Please, feel free to write me and ask anything! There are no dumb questions and I promise to answer you in the next 24 hours.